Mar 29, 2020

Conspiracy or Coincidence? Italy, Spain and USA are so badly afflicted whereas Russia, N. Korea and China's own capital are unaffected

Those knowing hindi language should definitely watch this CrimeTak episode about COVID-19 by Shams Tahir Khan, he raises some important questions regarding this topic. Amidst this Coronavirus crisis, most of the international diplomatic community is pondering over these uncomfortable questions as one.

For starters, the distance between Wuhan and Italy's Milan city is about 8600 kilometers whereas the distance between Wuhan and the Russian border is hardly 2500 kilometers, then how come Corona is raising havoc all over the former country but there is almost no damage to the latter? Of course, people will jump in to defend by saying that many infected people flew between China and Italy at the early stage, and thus the virus spread. While that's one explanation, too many coincidences isn't very natural, be it a crime mystery or international proxy warfare between two global superpowers.

Another uncomfortable question is how come the virus didn't affect other cities of China like its capital Beijing or its economic capital Shanghai? Surely, using the most common hypothesis that most people who catch this virus don't even show symptoms for the first 14 days, there should've been multiple Wuhans and Milans in China by now given how late the lockdown started in Wuhan? The fact that it didn't happen coupled with the fact that the Chinese authorities share very little information regarding this pandemic with rest of the world raises a whole lot of eyebrows.

There are other signs too, the USD is tumbling and tumbling against the Yuan, for instance. The US and related stock markets have plummeted since the Corona scare happened and a little known but interesting fact is that China is heavily buying those fallen stocks! Most of the stocks China is buying are related to US multinational companies who operate and/or are heavily invested in China such as Dominos, McDonalds, Apple, etc.

Given their extreme clout and power in various International and American organizations will probably mean that nobody will ask these tough questions to the Chinese administration but these unanswered questions will always keep pricking like ugly thorns to those politicians and businessmen who keep selfish capitalistic and/or political interests above humanity.

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