Mar 30, 2020

Why is Corona Pandemic actively resisting all efforts at reducing its spread? Is this just evolution or there's a "bio-warfare" element in it?

Humanity has a long history of facing deadliest of viruses be it the Spanish flu, Measles, H1N1, Ebola or others, but none of these viruses were actively resisting efforts to contain it like Corona is doing presently.

Besides, each one of the earlier viruses had a "method in their madness", they infected based on a logic the virus almost always petered out after infecting a certain proportion of the masses. There is also the fact that (at a broader level) nature never works against humanity but works for it and in support of it.

Natural biology has also given us all kinds of instincts. A woman who is attacked will generally try to flee from the location in order to save her own life. But if there's a baby with her, nature takes the override and causes her to stay and fight instead, we call this "maternal instinct". Mothers are known to lift far too heavy objects in emergency situations, and there are many such examples of how nature protects the humans at every step.

The fact that nature has allowed this virus to not only spread at such rapid rates and infect a large proportion of the world but also kill people at whims is not something most people can digest. This doesn't really sound natural, does this?

I know that bringing the concept of "bio-warfare" or artificial conducting bio experiments in labs will earn me the title of a conspiracy theorist but then what other explanation do you have for what has happened?

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