Mar 6, 2020

Impermanence is the way of life, live every moment as much as you can

वक़्त चलता ही रहता है रुकता नहीं
एक पल में ये आगे निकल जाता है
आदमी ठीक से देख पाता नहीं
और परदे पे मंज़र बदल जाता है
एक बार चले जाते हैं जो दिन-रात, सुबहो-शाम
वो फिर नहीं आते, वो फिर नहीं आते

Time always keeps going on and on
Moment by moment, it keeps moving forward
A person is hardly taking any cognizance
And the whole scene changes in a moment
Once a day or night has gone past by
It never comes back again

The above lyrics from the old hindi film, Aap Ki Kasam tells a deep truth about life which many of us fail to acknowledge. Many of us have a habit of taking our life (and whatever it offers) for granted.

Unlesss something extremely bad happens such as a fatal accident or a deadly disease or death of a loved one, we don't feel the pinch of life. We keep ignoring that facet of reality and keep on leading our lives as if we will always have those things in life.

But alas, life doesn't dance to our whims but rather, its us humans who dance to the tunes of life. This is what I feel right now after having lost a loved one recently. Its us puppets of muds who are fallible and impermanent, we know this fact and yet we are always filled with ego and vanity as if we are all immortal beings who'll keep living here forever.

Its quite likely that you may be laughing hard at this rant right now, perhaps thinking that its a lunatic's top floor gone haywire. But trust me, you'll realise the fallibility of life once reality jolts you like it jolted me. Assuming nothing bad happens, even then there is always old age and diseases.

Buddha said many years ago that impermanence and sufferings in life is the first noble truth. You may read that statement several times and understand it intellectually but it takes a solid jolt of reality to grasp what it truly means.

I really hope that life doesn't jolt anyone else as it jolted me but then life doesn't obey my whims, its me who is fallible to its commands. Learn something from my situation, learn something from life itself. If you have something in your mind that you want to say to someone, right now is the best moment to do it. If you want to start an undertaking in life or career, right now is the best time to start it.

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