Dec 12, 2019

Seven funny reasons why onion price is so high in India

As we speak, onion prices have reached as high as ₹102/Kilo in Mumbai and ₹160/Kilo in Thiruvananthapuram! Now, what might have caused this atrocious and unbelievable price increase? Well, I've got a few theories.

Dec 10, 2019

Uttarakhand & Mizoram top in allocating Nirbhaya funds at 50%, Maharashtra bottoms at zero

Now that the celebrations and jubilation about the Hyderabad police encounter on 6th December is over, let's focus on some facts. While this CIA style encounter may have pacified the country's immediate anger and rage over piling cases of sexual crimes against women, let's not forget that this is just a band-aid until we get social and police reforms to prevent these kinds of crimes in the first place, which is where all the efforts should be spent.

Dec 4, 2019

This dangerous StrandHogg vulnerability allows hackers to steal sensitive info from Android apps

Security experts at the Norwegian firm Promon have just discovered a new vulnerability in Android called the StrandHogg which can reportedly phish all kinds of user information, financial and otherwise including login credentials to crypto currency wallets.

Dec 3, 2019

HDFC NetBanking system is down, #hdfcbankdown is trending on twitter

HDFC NetBanking system has gone down and angry customers are trending the #hdfcbankdown hash tag on the social networking site twitter. Apparently, their net banking system is "suffering from heavy load".

Opinion: Analyzing the Virgil Griffith - North Korea Controversy

I've never been able to understand that when one country places a sanction on another, who is the ultimate victim? Is it the targeted country's government or its people? Its obvious that the objective of placing a sanction is to pressurize the other country's government but more often than not, its the people who end up being victimized.

NanoCurrency is emerging as a strong competition to bitcoin

There is no doubt that Bitcoin (BTC) has been successful as a first implementation of a crypto currency based on the blockchain concept but it also has some limitations. This has left doors open to many other crypto currencies which have been fiercely battling for the mind-share in the last few years.

Opinion: Will CryptoBridge turn out to be yet another exchange scam?

There is no doubt that bitcoin and other blockchain based crypto-currencies are one of the most advanced and emerging technologies of our times, but its also equally true that the history of crypto-currencies will be smeared with a lot of scams, scandals and tragedies!

Dec 2, 2019

Decentralized systems such as blogosphere are the only way to tackle censorship in today's age

Let's face it, free speech is no longer free on the internet today. At least not in those places where most of the speech flows and this includes social media platforms like twitter, facebook and reddit. There was an era when you could freely speak your mind about any topic using things like bulletin boards and IRC without constantly worrying about a moderator coming out of nowhere and suspending you but those mediums have gone today.

Money is a matter of functions four: bitcoin's validity as a currency

Bitcoin is currently one of the most hot topics in the technology world, there are both proponents and heavy critics of this technology but the proponents have been steadily gaining the mind-share in last few years despite most of the banking systems and governments of the world highly against it. That I think is a great achievement!