Oct 31, 2019

Redditors and Quorans who write mind-blowing posts, has this thought ever crossed your mind?

Why do you contribute such invaluable content to these popular platforms when you can be a Blogger yourself and not just own, but even monetize your content?

If you are someone who regularly posts content on a site like Quora or Reddit, and are really good at it (as expressed by number of views/upvotes/followers you get on these platforms), then its high time you consider blogging on your own.

Why give away your valuable content to platforms which then try to own, monetize and use it for their own purposes when you can do that yourself?

These platforms are the middle-men who need your data and content in order to thrive. Remember, its them who need you, not the other way round. Ideally, they should pass on a good chunk of their revenue to the people who actually toil and create content on their platforms (without which, the platforms are useless anyway).

Creating your own blog is no longer a rocket science today. While its true that you won't immediately get the benefit of a huge community to interact with, you can however, start building your own community through your blog's comments section or the "followers" feature.

You don't even need to be that technically adept to start a blog. If you don't have knowledge of PHP, WordPress, web hosting, etc. (or resources to hire programmers), even then you can start your blog using a free blogging platform such as Google's Blogger or Tumblr.

If and when you decide that you want to monetize your content and earn money from it, you can sign up with a service such as Google's Adsense which allows you to monetize your content by adding a simple JavaScript snippet (you don't even need that with a service like Blogger because Adsense is integrated with it!).

Do you remember that happiness you felt upon getting millions of views and thousands of upvotes for your well-written answer post on Quora? Now imagine getting Adsense income in addition to those views when the audience starts appreciating your well-written blog post!

Of course, this won't start happening on day one because your little blog isn't as popular as Quora yet. But on the brighter side, you won't ever have to become as big as Quora in order to make a decent earning for yourself!

Unlike Quora Inc., you don't have staff to maintain and overheads to spend on. The number of page-views you need to sustain yourself will be a joke compared to what Quora needs in order to do the same.

So, make a resolution today and start writing content for yourself, not someone else's benefit!

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