Dec 2, 2020

The Ups, Downs and Upheavals caused by the 2020 US Elections

Many in the US are already celebrating Joe Biden's victory and have taken for granted that he is going to become the next POTUS. But what's apparent to the eye isn't always necessarily true. Remember Al Gore's early victory celebrations in 2000 Presidential Elections? My gut feeling is that US Politics might end up in a similar situation this time.

Shekhar Gupta's recent Youtube video on this topic is really very illuminating. Something interesting is happening at the playground of global politics and it has to do with US election results. The Iranian nuclear scientist's recent fatality wasn't an isolated event, it was just one move in the complex and multi-layered game being played on the international chessboard.

The Republican side is trying hard to prevent power going in the hands of those who are sympathetic to Iran (Dems), and their allies are totally with them (Israel, KSA, India, et al.). Israel is quite worried about Iran being allowed to drop nukes in Jerusalem or Tel Aviv during broad daylight, and Biden has sworn to give Iran that power once he becomes president (in the form of JCPOA nuclear deal). Biden is going to act on that Obama's dream deal which Obama had signed just before his presidency ended but the deal couldn't be acted upon as Dems went out of power shortly after.

The other obviously disturbing equation of Dems coming to power is that they won't support Israel like Trump used to do until now. They've been pretty vocal about that.

Consequently, Israel (who's territory is land-locked on all four sides with radical Islamist enemy countries) is quite right to be worried and desperate at the possibility of Dems coming back to power. The attack on Iran's nuclear scientist was just the first, not last. Expect Israel to carry out more such attacks until one of the following happens:

1. Trump somehow proves the election fraud in front of the SCOTUS and SCOTUS discards the election results, thus preventing the regime change to Dems. OR

2. Joe Biden somehow comes to an agreement with the Jewish lobby and assures them that he won't continue with the JCPOA nuke deal (but this is less likely to happen because the Iranian lobby has already infiltrated Dems side very deeply).

This conflict and dilemma is very much in the air of US politics right now. There is a reason that the Dems politicians aren't as cocky about things like "fascism" and "BLM" right now as they used to be. There is a reason that Kamala Harris still hasn't resigned from her Senator role even after being declared VP-elect. Connect these dots and you'll understand.

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